
Appendix 2 Key University Strategies

Amongst other reference points, Programme Teams participating in validation and review are expected to engage with the Graduate Attributes, Student Experience and Employability Strategies. A separate Appendix is provided in relation to the Graduate Attributes, including an optional checklist to help programme teams map the development of the Graduate Attributes within their programme. This Appendix provides information on the Student Experience Strategy and Employability Strategy.

Student Experience Strategy

The full Student Experience Strategy is provided at the end of this Appendix. The SES Infographic (below) can be copied and included within student-facing materials.

A circular infographic which displays how the learner journey, employability and enterprise, quality enhancement, innovation in teaching, learning and assessment, and healthy universities contribute to a positive transformative student experience.

无码群交 expects that all programmes will articulate with the Student Experience Strategy (2021-26) Alignment with the Student Experience Strategy will be considered through the programme approval (validation) and periodic review process and should be explicit within in the Definitive Programme Document. Ongoing quality enhancement activities will be documented in AMRs, and through sharing of good practice in other ways. Programme Leaders are encouraged to share the Student Experience Strategy widely within their Team and with students and to engage with projects that are co-ordinated under the auspices of the Strategy. The Student Experience Committee agrees priority activities annually. These priority projects are set out in a flexible Delivery Plan, which is subject to regular review and update through the SEC. The Delivery Plan is available from the SEC Intranet site. Details of projects and ways to become involved are communicated by Moderator. The Secretary to the Student Experience Committee can provide further advice.

Employability Strategy (Developing a Positive Future)

无码群交鈥檚 Employability Strategy (2021-26) outlines the measures that the University will take to create an environment in which students will develop the skills and attributes that they will need to flourish in a rapidly changing labour market. Programme Leaders (and teams) are key stakeholders in delivering the Strategy. The Strategy assists in developing and embedding transferable skills within and across 无码群交 programmes, building upon excellent examples that are already in place and extending practice. It provides a further mechanism for the sharing of practice and for the inclusion of careers education with programme design. It also provides focus for conversations between Personal Academic Tutors and students, creating a framework for productive employability-oriented conversations. Programme Leaders are encouraged to contact colleagues from the Employability Service for further information and to discuss opportunities to embed employability within their programmes.

The diagram below summarises the aims and objectives within the Strategy and can be copied and included within student-facing materials.

Employablity Strategy

Engaging with the Strategies through validation and review
It is open to Teams to determine for themselves how best to engage with the Strategies and how to demonstrate alignment through the validation and review process. Some suggested approaches are indicated below:

  • Discussion and reflection at planning meetings. This will build on the expected ongoing engagement with the Strategies.
  • Articulation of approaches in the philosophy section of the documentation
  • Reference to particular initiatives/projects. It is unlikely that any Team will engage in depth with each of the priority activities captured in the Delivery Plan. However, some of the activities will be relevant to all Teams. Examples from the Student Experience Strategy Delivery Plan include updates to the PAT System, developing the Class Rep system, and embedding the Graduate Attributes.

A separate mapping exercise is not required.

Further information

For further information on the Student Experience Strategy and accompanying Delivery Plan, contact Dawn Martin, Secretary to the Student Experience Committee
For further information on the Employability Strategy, use the Careers & Employability email address.